•Broken Vessels•

Isaiah 30:13-14 (18)

[13] Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant. [14] And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare: so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to take water withal out of the pit. This is a prophecy that was to come, the Jews during this time were very rebellious , they knew God but loved the darkness. I feel that sometimes it’s so easy to turn to darkness, it’s human nature. They did not like the commandments and they thought of God as a strict commander, their state was to be broken; shattered into a million pieces like the potters vessel. This to me reminds me of myself and how I am not yet broken and it’s a continuous thing. Sometimes I find my heart seeking to do wrong or my mind mind turning away from the lord and his commandments. Times when I want to give up on what he has for me, and times when I am rebellious; because of these things God has reminded me that I will be broken and shattered into a million pieces. He reminds me that I am his vessel that he’s working hard to perfect, but I can’t just turn my back towards him, I have to continue to fight the good fight. For my rebellious actions there has been consequences, conversation, and conviction that at that very moment I didn’t want to hear, but to be broken continuously by God is an amazing thing. To have your walls broken down to never build them again, to become defenseless and rely only of God for restoration and healing is an amazing thing. It has been worth it, to feel, love and to have a thankful heart. To know that God is still bringing me out of Egypt, it’s gets better everyday and I can find rest and hope in his word and commandments. Knowing that he has made a promise to draw near to me as I seek him and to bring me to the promise land. 


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